Friday, July 8, 2016

Freebie Friday - Raccoon Graph

Happy Friday, y'all! I hope everyone has had a wonderful day so far. It's Friday! That means crochet time!

I have so many things I've designed over the last couple of years that are just sitting around on my computer. They are on my "hope to make" list. You know the list - the never-ending, constantly growing list of things you want to make some day. And we all know everything on said list will never get done unless we all live to be about 4,000 years old. Yeah, that list.

So, that makes me feel bad for all the things sitting there. They deserve to be made, right?! So, to give them a fighting chance I'm going to start sharing with you all. Every Friday I plan on posting a new freebie. And Freebie Friday has been born!
First on the list is a series of graphs. I'll post one each week until they're all out there. This week it's Mr. Ralph E. Raccoon. He's a saucy little fella. He loves eating garbage out of dumpsters on Saturday mornings. The rest of the week he prefers to steal sandwiches directly from the hands of the elderly and little children. He's a bit of a jerk. But don't let that prevent you from making him. I hear he becomes a reasonable critter once in crochet form. He will even gladly give hugs. So, please make him and help him kick the sandwich stealing habit. He will go nicely with the next 11 freebies on tap.

Introducing Mr. Ralph E. Raccoon
I hope you enjoy him!

Happy Hookin'!

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